Lately, more and more popular runners. it is quite reasonable, because the sport is the most inexpensive and easy to do. The benefit was not lost to other sports, such as swimming or a workout in the gym. In addition to improving cardiovascular fitness and lung, also trains run almost every muscle in the body. And last but not least important, burn lots of calories. Although relatively easy exercise, it is important to be observed a few things before you start running, for maximum results.

Determine the purpose
If the goal is to be healthy, means it should not run like hell. Unlike the people who want to participate marathon or a particular competition. Will be more problems than benefits, if run by a very forced. Therefore, instill in your mind that you are running for health

Use appropriate footwear
Legs become the most important part of the body while running. therefore, the selection of shoes are considered important. Use running shoes. Do not use shoes that are not designed for running, such as tennis shoes or casual shoes normal, to avoid injury.

Running clothes should be comfortable
When running, the body will sweat. Therefore, need comfortable clothing that can absorb sweat. Avoid wearing clothes that are too tight and thick. Types of clothing will only pursue thermal exchange.
To be safe, use the special clothing for running. Because, while jogging skin will easily rubbed by clothing. Materials can either make your skin blisters.

No less important for women, always use a cross strappy sports bra that supports the breast can be more powerful. If not properly supported, breast shaken while running can cause back pain.

Run at a good time
When is the best time to run? the answer is in the morning, when the air is still fresh and active spirit is still high. Energy after a run can be used to move throughout the day.
Not advisable for you to exercise run at night, because its impact can make it difficult to sleep. If it only had time to run at night, try to run over three hours before your bedtime. For safety, use a light-colored shirt or clothing reflectors that reflect light so easily seen by other road users.

Choose a safe track
Jogging can be done anywhere. Look for the quiet of a vehicle or bicycle, for safety and comfort while running. To start, choose a flat road. If it is regular and stamina began to increase, there is no harm in choosing track slightly uphill. If forced to run on the side of the road, run against the current, so you can be more vigilant and avoid if there is a vehicle coming.

Eat at least two hours before running
If you run for your health goal, then eat anything before running actually does not matter, as long as not too much. To be safe, the consumption of heavy meals two hours before the run. Therefore, if a heavy meal just before the run can affect the ability to run.

Do not forget to do the heating and cooling
Heating and cooling must be done in order to avoid injury. Not only move the legs, but also the hands, hips, and shoulders. Therefore, when running almost all the muscles in the body to move. If the muscles are not flexible can lead to cramps in the middle of the road. Minimal heating and cooling time at least 5 minutes each.

Jogging or running is a sport that is very cheap, simple and effective. This exercise can be done anytime and anywhere. Health benefits that can be obtained is quite great. No wonder, if some people really like the sport.

However, for beginners, exercising may run a bit tiring when done in the beginning of the exercise. Body has not been able to adjust to the dynamics of motion, so the fatigue is more pronounced. The following are some tips for running sports to become a routine activity that can be fun:

Run slowly and mix with a walk.
To start, it's pretty tough when push yourself constantly running. Therefore, do run the short distance and interspersed with walking. You will not run out of energy through the way. In order not to over-exert the body, doing only about 10-15 minutes per session for. Run with the incorporation will increase endurance and make more balanced cardiovascular work, sure, do this exercise regularly and don't forget to give time for the body to break.

Look for an environment that supports you to be active.
Sometimes there is an environment that mocked beginners while exercising. It can make a mental fall. So choose the environment in which support you to live a healthy life by exercising.

Don't forget to warm up movements
You can do squats, lunges, or skipping. If the body is warm, lightweight stretch time for feet. Stretching is also done for the hips, quadriceps, hamstrings, and calves. When running, use the buttocks and abdomen as the foundation for the move. Feel the energy body as if pushed forward. 

Find a friendly road surface
Choose the road with a flat surface rather than too uphill. Your feet still need adjustments to various forms of surface road taken.

Vary your exercise.
Even if you like to run, do also other sports. Its function is to keep the joints from excessive fatigue.   
Sports Running is one sport that is so easy to do cheap by almost everyone. But not a few of us are reluctant to do this sport because they feel difficulty regulating their breath when running. To avoid this problem, we must know the proper breathing techniques for running long distance so we do not feel exhausted during the run. Below is described the correct breathing technique for distance running so that we can come to practice it


We breathe in O2 and emit CO2 as a result of breathing process. If there is a lot of CO2 trapped in our bodies during the run, then we'll feel exhausted and breathless. That's what often happens to most people who are running. Therefore, we can use breathing techniques to inhale and exhaust with a 3:2 ratio. 3:2 This technique means we inhale and exhale with a ratio of 3:2 interval. For example, we breathe with 3 counts and exhale in 2 counts. When we are having trouble remembering how many times a matter of moments interesting and exhaling, then we can use the right and left leg swing to count the number of pull and out of breath.

For example:
When we swing left foot, we inhale and continues breathe in while swinging right leg, and left leg swing back.

Continuing inhale activity above, while swinging the left leg, it was the last time we draw breath. Further, swinging right foot, we breathe until we swung left foot.

The above explanation may seem difficult to understand. But if we are immediately put into practice while running long distances, then the above techniques will feel easy. Although we may still feel exhausted breathing when a matter between inhaling and exhaling not set, but with regular practice, though long-distance runners would be fun to live.
Running is a great way to maintain proper health. But, be careful with injuries that often occur in the joints, especially the knees. According to dr. Kevin plancher, an orthopedic surgeon and sports medicine specialist, about 70% of the runners had suffered injury in their lives.

The most frequent type of injury occurs, further plancher, is patello-femoral pain, also known as runner's knee, and iliotibial band (ITB) syndrome. Runner's knee occurs when the kneecap rubbing against the base of the femur. This friction can cause irritation and erosion of cartilage. Being, itd sinndrome include irritation of tissue along the outside of the thigh. This irritation can result from repetitive friction on the outside of the knee.

However, a knee injury it can still be prevented. "With a runner, does not mean you have to experience runner's knee, or knee injuries other," explained plancher as quoted foxnews site. "Injuries usually occur due to excessive exercise and misalignment of joints are increasingly compounded by the way that does not run properly. "

Here are some simple tips that you can try to avoid knee injury while running:

Wear the right shoes

if you want to run, you should choose a shoe that fits the foot. For example, some people have wide feet and there is also a rather narrow foot. If you are not sure, your doctor can help you choose the right shoes. Should be careful in choosing. Even the most expensive pair of sneakers, bright plancher, not necessarily the material has sufficient support for runners.

"So many shoes today have little material support." Therefore, he explained, it helps you remove insoles in shoes that you buy and replace it with a more powerful insoles to support the foot. "

Do not forget to stretch the muscles

according plancher, it is important to stretch your muscles before running, both short and long distance or just a fun run. "do not underestimate the benefits of stretching," he said.

According plancer, stretching is a great way to increase blood flow, especially during cold weather. In addition to keep you from knee injuries, stretching can also prevent you from hip injury, a broken shin and leg cramps.

Variations in practice

Runners typically tend to focus on only one method of exercise: Running. This can make the body out of balance. In runners, the muscles in the front of the thigh is usually stronger than the muscles along the back of the thigh.

According plancher, running should be combined with other sports. For example, it would be better if you add strength training to your running routine. This serves to strengthen the muscles of the front and back of the thigh, the muscles in the hips and buttocks.

Do not over

usually, after starting to sweat, runners will continue running even further. Does not matter if you are used to. But, for a beginner, better start slowly with the extended distances over time. "Be sure to rest 1 or 2 days per week. Mileage Do not add more than 10% perminggunya, start running slowly and make sure you've done Stretching before and after running. This will ensure that your muscles stay flexible, "said plancher.

A healthy diet and the right supplements

your body needs proper nutrition to maintain healthy joints. The experts, bright plancher, recommends adults to consume 1,000-1,200 milligrams of calcium per day. Certainly do not need from supplements. You can meet calcium needs by eating sources of calcium such as green vegetables and dairy products.

In addition, further plancher again, many runners who use the supplements glucosamine and chondroitin sulfate. Glucosamine is an amino sugar that plays an important role in the formation and repair of cartilage. 're Chondroitin is a complex carbohydrate that helps cartilage retain functioning water and maintain flexibility.

Although supplements can not help everyone, some studies have shown, a combination of the two supplements can relieve pain caused by oesteoarthritis. Plancher recommends a dose of 1,500 milligrams of glucosamine per day and chondroitin sulfate at a dose of 1,200 milligrams per day.

Special Guidance to choose Cold Weather Running Gear 
Tips to avoid injury when running
When the winter season is approaching, you might get a little bit annoyed since you might think that it will ruin your daily exercise. It will be hard for you to fight against the cold weather condition as you want to get outside and run for some meters away. Since you are quite accustomed to run and suddenly you face some obstacle for maintaining your exercise program of running, you just have to look for the right solution of this condition. It should not be complex at all since you will meet with the option for wearing cold weather running gear as you have the strong desire to run for some time.

The cold weather will not bother you anymore for running as much as you want once you have got the support for this excellent selection for the fantastic gear for running. You just have to know how to choose the finest quality of running gear for this special winter season. You ought to learn about choosing the best cold weather running gear that you will like.

Several Things to Consider Before Buying Running Gear

In this winter season, you just need to get such a little bit adjustment for the running gear. For the simple choice of running gear, you can try to mix and match the choice of the layers jacket and the other supporting accessories such as the mufflers, the hat, and the gloves. 

It will be the great combination of running gear as you also wear the gloves for covering your hands, the mufflers or the hat for covering your head really well. It is totally the best option of running gear that you can get. Just keep in mind that you should choose the layers shirt whenever you want to run outside the house in the cold temperature. It is also very important to think about the selection for the fabrics of the shirt. Just make sure that the fabrics of the clothes will provide such special warmth that you need.
As you do not want to spend the money in vain, you just need to be careful for choosing some running gear. You are going to find several things that you should consider the most in choosing some running gear. 

It is about the choice for the model of the running gear. Make sure that you can get the special design and pattern for the running gear. It will be better that you should also consider the supporting accessories gear while you want to run outside in the winter season. 

You just need to complete the gear by purchasing some accessories like the gloves, the ears cover, and the mufflers. Those accessories will be useful enough to cover any parts of your skin so that you will not feel the extreme cold weather. You only have to pay attention to the price of those things. Make sure you can find the great offer for those accessories of running gear

Easy Way for Finding Special Running Gear

It is quite simple to find the best option of sport gear that will not drain your budget. You just have to make a specification for the item of sport gear and then you can try to match it with the available stock of the sport gear. As you want to get the special running gear in this winter season, you can try to take a look at the available stock of the running gear through the internet. 

You can find some items of thick t shirt for running and the special gloves and hat with such amazing offering. It will be the great choices that you can find the best cold weather running gear.

below, you can also find item suggestions to buy on Amazon that is suitable running in cold weather